Thursday, February 11, 2010

Sheree's Half Full Glass

Well, here it begins. Tentative, unsure...little steps at a time. I find it humorous that I display more caution in working with cyber technology than I do in my everyday walk. I fear not to put one foot in front of the other, unplanned and unmapped...going into neighborhoods that should require some strategy if not a little fore-knowledge. But, sit me down in front of a computer and I turn into a sweaty vulnerable child trying to complete a difficult math test. It is worse when I have my husband looking over my shoulder, helping, as it were, watching my dignity crumble with every backspace. Which is why I am sitting here right now, sneaking, so to speak, to start up my own damn blog all by myself without anyone's help. My rebellion motivates me.

So. Let me tell you why this Blog is my own "Half Full Glass." My maiden name is Glass. And I like to look on the positive side of life. There. Simple. And no matter how old I get to be, I will always relate to being a "Glass" as compared to any other name that I attach myself to along my journey. I've had a few. Too many, in today's rather self-righteous society, but if it makes you feel better, I wallow in my guilt. Sometimes.

My intentions for this blog was to create a purely self indulgent venue for sharing my poetry and writings, but already I have a feeling this could be a bigger soap-box upon which to stand. I am not courageous enough to submit my work to professional publications, and I find it takes a bit of backbone to lay it out here, too, as an exploratory expression. Please be kind to me, and if you dislike my thoughts, please just stop reading. Make your own blog, and I will be kind to you as well.


  1. welcome to the blogosphere, sheree! It's so much fun! Happy posting :o)

  2. I love it Sheree... this is good!
    I love the gardening reference...I know that I will feel that same way too once we actually leave the burg. I can't wait to read more...keep it up!
