Monday, March 8, 2010

On Bended Knee...

It appears that spring has arrived in Apex. I shook off that cloak of winter, when I saw the sun, because I could not wait to feel the warmth that comes from its face and not from my furnace! It could not come soon enough for my little family.... healing from a long year of transition and adjustments. To my surprise, closing on our house last week was like an elephant off my back, and shedding winter was the next step that just seemed to happen... I felt a lightness in my feet again, and had to skip around on the soft spring grass a bit before I could settle into the day!

I grabbed my garden tools, and using the rake that was made most faithful with a nail holding its metal fingers in place, I dug in. Wow...I LOVE uncovering my sweet, full, tender bulb shoots that have been buried under dead pine needles and leaves all winter. It was like uncovering sunshine itself! Feeling the warm sunshine on my back, and a little start of that raking blister that wakes up on my thumb...(and reminds me to find my gloves...) is what I imagine heaven to be like. A little pain, a little sweat, to keep me remembering that I am alive and glad to be human. The world seems a nicer place after time in the garden.

For me, like a good hard run, gardening is my prayer-ful place. My spiritual place where I commune with my God. I find myself thinking of my friends and my family, and just falling in love with them all over again. I love my friends, and I love my family...and I love tending to them like my garden. It doesn't matter what politics, or religions are, or are not,...I love them. Tending them becomes my prayer, too. Prayers are people too... LOL...


A prayer is an intimate thing
Quiet or noisy, with tears or with song,
tucked away in the "closet"
Or wide open, flat on the ground...

A prayer can be soulful and longing,
filled with moaning and groans,
A parent in mourning
Grieving deep in their bones....

A prayer can be a run in the sunshine
Giving all glory to God,
Feet pounding the pavement
or digging deep into sod...

A prayer can be sung to the skies
and cried out to the clouds
And it is good to be whispered
or even sung to a crowd...

My prayer is my gardening
and digging down in God's earth
Setting free tender shoots
and planting seeds' hopeful worth...

I don't always pray
with man's interpreted words,
But in actions and deeds
are how they are heard...

However we pray,
to whomever we speak
I wish you enough
whatever you seek.....

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