Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Don't rock the boat, baby!

All I want, nowadays, is "enough." I used to want "more" and tried going with "less" and in the wisdom of this age, I am happy to be content. We closed on the house in Wisconsin on Monday. I never thought I would recuperate from letting it go, but after just a itty bitty shower of tears...I am actually reveling in delight. I feel as if I lost about ten pounds and ten years (I didn't, of course, but I felt so light)...
We are gaining so much more than we "lost" and I have to admit, my delight surprises me. It does not ache at all like I thought it would. The prospects are delicious, and now I can do more than dream about the things on my "after-the-house-sells list."
You know what it feels like? I think I must feel exactly like a serious artist, who spent years creating a masterpiece, who actually fell in love with their own work and lost sight of the whole world outside of his painting...and then, the artist sells the artwork, which has become part of his soul, ...knowing he created the art to sell to the world but not counting on how hard it would be to part with it. Now there is a new canvas in front of him... and the possibilities are endless. I don't want to create another work of art like that one...I am in search of something new .... How exciting is that?!!! It is freeing.
And I am in a new town named "Apex" which is known as "The Peak of Good Living" how appropriate. How did I not see that before?

So.. I need to sit and just look at the page awhile, because I am overwhelmed with a confusing fireworks of inspiration....I will have to try a poem in a little while.....

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